Want to get rid of that stubborn tummy fat but don't want to go to the gym? It's no problem! I've learned from the pandemic that you don't need to go to the gym to get in shape; you can do whatever you need to do from the comfort of your own home.
1. Walking vs. Running
Walking, as simple as it may appear, might be one of the first steps in losing belly fat. This is an exercise you didn't even realize you were doing regularly. Going for a daily stroll, on the other hand, has more benefits than you might expect. Listen to your favorite podcast and turn it into an exercise that is healthy for both your mental and physical health by walking throughout it. Do you want to step it up a notch? Let's go for a run! Plugin your headphones and convert your favorite album into a 30-minute workout.
2. Burpees
Whether you adore or despise them, Burpees are one of the most efficient exercises for burning calories and reducing belly fat. Burpees are a full-body workout that emphasizes core strength. If you want to do this exercise at home, make sure you have enough space because it involves a lot of movement. A burpee is simply a leap squat followed by a plank.
3. Mountain Climbers
Mountain Climbers are a high-intensity calorie-burning exercise that raises your heart rate. This exercise targets your core and combines cardio and muscle building. To perform this exercise, begin in a high plank position and alternate moving each leg towards your chest and back to the beginning position. This workout targets the lower tummy, which is an area that most people overlook. But believe me when I say that this is where you need to concentrate if you want to get rid of that dreaded lower gut.
4. Crunches
Crunches are another workout that works the lower tummy now that we know we need to focus on it. I'm sure most of you are familiar with the term "crunch," but if you aren't, don't worry; I'm here to help.
To do a crunch, lie down on your back with your legs bent and your hands on opposite shoulders. Sit up by lifting your head and shoulder blades off the ground and lowering your back down. If you forget, imagine a sit-up that has been sliced in half. This workout will help you strengthen your core and create ab muscles.
5. Russian Twists
This is my go-to ab workout and a personal fave. Russian Twists are a calorie-burning core exercise that works your ab muscles. It also burns fat and love handles, which some people adore and others loathe, but regardless of your feelings about them, this workout will help you get rid of them.
To do this workout, sit on the ground with your legs entwined and your back slightly lifted, as if you were doing a balancing act. Then, with your hands interlocked in front of your chest, twist your core by moving your hand's side to side. This is one of my favorites since I always get results, which is exactly what we all want!
6. Bunny Hop on the Plank
This exercise is more advanced than a standard plank. I discovered that the silence of a plank, the waiting for the time to be up, is what makes it so difficult. This add-on distracts you from the pain and makes it more comfortable while also helping you lose abdominal fat.
To perform this exercise, begin in a plank position with your feet touching, then bring your abs in and jump your feet to the right, landing your knees near your right elbow. Rep on the left side, then return to the starting position.
7. Flutter Kicks
Flutter kicks are your new best buddy if you want to lose weight and burn belly fat. Flutter kicks, often called scissors, are a great way to contour and tone your lower stomach.
Begin by lying on your back with your arms straight alongside your body, palms facing down, or with your hands beneath your back, lifting your hips. Now, lift your legs about an inch above the ground while clenching your abs, and alternate lifting and lowering one leg without letting it touch the ground. You'll work your abs more if you go slower!
8. Jumping Jacks
Going all the way back to gym class in elementary school...
Jumping Jacks are a type of exercise. Although we think of it as a kid-friendly workout, it has a lot of advantages. Jumping Jacks are a full-body cardio exercise that can be performed anywhere, including at home. Jumping Jacks are a basic exercise in which you begin by standing with your arms at your sides, then leap with your legs about shoulder-width apart and your arms stretched above your head. In just a few minutes, this exercise burns calories and belly fat!
9. Stuttering Steps
Stutter Steps are a less strenuous way to develop your abs. To perform this exercise, begin by standing up straight, then extending your left leg back and raising your arms straight above your head. Then, similar to a standing crunch, bend your arms and left knee towards your chest, then return to the starting posture and repeat, finally switching sides. This is a full-body workout that works your core and helps you lose tummy fat!
10. Knees that are too high
Because it's so simple, this is another of my favorite at-home workouts. High Knee is a type of HIIT workout or high-intensity interval training. I know how daunting HIIT workouts can be, but high knees are nothing like that!
To do high knees, begin by standing up straight and bringing your knee to your chest alternately with a tiny jump in between each knee. That's all there is to it! HIIT workouts aren't as intimidating as they appear! This is a full-body aerobic routine that can help you lose belly fat and burn a lot of calories!
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